
01 Sep

Back To School

As summer slowly starts to come to an end, that usually only means one thing: back-to-school. For both children and parents, back-to-school either brings about heightened eagerness, anxiety, or just overall jitteriness. Some students are returning 2 the online classroom that they’ve grown accustomed to over the past year, while others are preparing to enter into a physical in-person classroom for the very first time. Regardless of how you or your children are feeling about returning to school, all those...

30 Aug

Meet Michelle Siman

We interviewed a proud Tim Horton franchisee and TCBC supporter, Michelle Siman. Here is the interview: Angharad Hatt: Can you tell me a bit about who you are, your family, a little bit about you? Michelle Siman: I’m Michelle. Our Family, my dad, has been part of the Tim Hortons family for 25 years actually, as a broker. So like, growing up, Tim Hortons was all around me, I was pretty much raised with it. There was at one point where I decided...

05 Aug

Meet the Papageorge Family

Our TCBC Spotlight interview with Alexander Papageorge and Ben Papageorge: Angharad Hatt: Can you tell me a bit about you, who you are? Alexander Papageorge:  I’m Alex and this is Ben. I’m the youngest of three brothers, so there are three of us, Leo, Alex, and Ben. My parents started 30 years ago. To be exact, since ‘92 so 29 years ago. Obviously, we are their children taking over the family business. All of us are involved, running it and just keeping...

05 Aug

Meet Edwin Terry

Mr. Terry shared his thoughts with us:: This journey all started for me in 1970 on Yonge street with the Caribana parade and as a teen, I was hooked, and within a few years in the seventies, I was helping the late Ken Sha with building costumes in his back yard in Toronto and was the voice of the Caribbean on radio covering events in the K.W. area. In the Eighties, I was honoured to be part of the broadcast crew for the Canadian...

05 Aug


During the summer months, there are a number of events and activities that people look forward to. Whether it be going up to the cottage, spending time at the lake or the park, or simply spending time with the family while being out in the sun. In Ontario, however, the multicultural community brings about even more excitement and energy into these summer months by sharing with us their culture whether it be through food, activities, or even carnivals one of...

01 Jul

Get Active in July!

After a long year of staying inside and discovering countless new activities to do with our families while remaining socially distanced at home, restrictions are slowly starting to be lifted across Canada, just in time for summer. With so many options for summer activities now available, it can be overwhelming to think of just where to start. luckily, the children’s breakfast club has a few suggestions for what you and your family can do together this summer. throughout the month of July,...

01 Jun

Go Green in the Month of June!

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. – Edward Everett Hale For the month of June, The Children’s Breakfast Club will be promoting the many ways that children can “Go Green” in not just their personal lives, but also in their homes and communities. Making green decisions doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it is...

14 May

Celebrating Individuals Who Make a Difference

We are excited to share with you the nominees for 2021 Asian Heritage Month: Tina and Henry Wong – Community AdvocatesHenry volunteers most of his time with The Children’s Breakfast Clubs and Diabetes Canada Toronto Chinese Chapter, promoting Diabetes awareness and education to the Chinese community in Toronto. Tina also worked at American Express as Secretary in the Data Processing Department for 4 years and later in the airline & hotel hospitality industry. Tina followed her passion for flowers and dedicated...

30 Apr

Asian Heritage Month

Canada has long been described by many to be a mosaic. Our country has alluring scenic locations spread far and wide throughout our provinces and territories, and four delightful seasons that bring about new adventures for each individual. However, this “mosaic” that individuals associate with our country extends far beyond the picturesque views of our landscape. This artwork of Canada extends to its citizens, immigrants and refugees. In a population of 37.59 million individuals, varying cultures, ethnicities and racial identities comprise the...

31 Mar

The April Kindness Challenge

“How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway… And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!” – Anne Frank No matter your background or your age, we all have one thing in common: The ability to be kind to one another. That is why for the month of April,...