“How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway… And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!” – Anne Frank
No matter your background or your age, we all have one thing in common: The ability to be kind to one another. That is why for the month of April, we are celebrating this through Acts of Kindness. After a turbulent year filled with many challenges for many individuals, The Children’s Breakfast Club wants to put a spotlight on the many different ways that children can bring love and joy into their families and communities through their Acts of Kindness.
Our students will be working with their teachers and principals to be encouraged to complete a random act of kindness each day, throughout the month of April. The goal is to encourage and inspire students to reach outside of their comfort zone, and to motivate them to become a positive influence in their community throughout the various ways they extend kindness towards others.
Our April Kindness change starts April 1st:
For the month of April, we are encouraging students of The Children’s Breakfast Clubs to participate in the “April Kindness Challenge 2021”
- Participating students are to pick a random act of kindness for each day
- When the challenge for the day has been completed, the student must have it signed by a parent, guardian or teacher, or breakfast club leader to confirm that it was done
- At the end of the month, if each day in the month there has been an act of kindness completed, then the student will qualify for a “surprise”!
All passports must be submitted to our offices. Our goal is the inspire and motivate students to do acts of kindness and go beyond their comfort zone. We want to encourage students to be positive influences by showing various ways that they can show kindness and respect for all.
Below are some ways that you and your family can begin participating in the events of April at home:

For the children:
- Write an encouraging note to another family member
- Complete all of your chores without being asked
- Tell your friends how much you love them
For the parents:
- Write encouraging sticky notes to your children and leave them around the house for them to discover
- At dinner, ask your children how they saw kindness demonstrated throughout the day by others, or how your children demonstrated kindness towards others.
- Watch movies, or read books, together that demonstrate and highlight the importance of kindness
There are a number of different ways that you and your family can express towards each other and your communities. However you choose to celebrate this month, try to make some of these acts of kindness an annual habit that you and your family can continue throughout the rest of the year.
For more information on The Children’s Breakfast Clubs, contact our team at 437.836.6222 or email info@breakfastclubs.ca
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