2023 Smile Cookie Campaign

01 Apr

The Power of Community in Fighting Child Hunger

In the face of this challenge, communities play a pivotal role in combating child hunger. One inspiring example is the Breakfast Club initiative, which originated in Toronto. Through collaboration among local businesses, schools, nonprofits, and volunteers, this program ensures that children have access to nutritious breakfasts. Partnerships like the one between Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners and The Children’s Breakfast Clubs demonstrate the transformative impact of community-driven action. ...

23 Apr

Help us feed 7,000 children through the Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Campaign

The Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign is back from May 1 to 7! 100% of the proceeds of the sales from Smile Cookies support charities and community groups across Canada and the United States. For the 13th year in a row, The Children’s Breakfast Clubs has been chosen to receive the proceeds from Tim Horton’s franchises across Toronto! This year, we’ve set a HUGE goal to feed 7,000 children with the proceeds we receive from the campaign and we need your help...